The Name Of Jesus

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Publication Year
Annette Kingwill 
Father God "I" thank you for placing that book in my life.
Thankyou so much!!!
This book opened my eyes to new levels. We were moving out of our old house and I saw the book laying on a box and it stood out. I picked it up and my girlfriend and I read a page or two. What I read was good. Then I put the book back on the box and continued what I was doing. Then later on, I saw the book again and I felt an unction from GOD to read it. I put off and put off in reading this book, until I forgot. Satan was trying hard to get me not to read it. He would tell me that it was "boring". He would try to make me feel sleepy and tell me "you can read it tomorrow." But we all know tomorrow never comes, so lets do it now. I put it off for months and then a minister came to our church and said something that hit me right in the face. He said,"the reason some of your prayers haven't been answered, is because you haven't done everything God has told you to do." And then it hit me *BAM*!!!, I haven't read the book God told me to read. Right then and there I made a promise to God that I was going to read that book. And it might have taken me a while, (even though the book isn't that long) but I read it, and it was AMAZING!!! God uses brother Hagin in so many ways. And the reason I said "uses" is because he is still being used even now after his death. If you read this book you'll see what I mean. THIS BOOK IS AMAZING!!! That's all I can say. If you want to know how to use THE NAME OF JESUS like we as Christians are supposed to THAN YOU NEED TO READ THIS BOOK!!! Don't sit here and let me tell you about it, pick it up for yourself and see what I'm talking about. As a matter of fact I finished the book just a few hours ago and I am ready to walk in the authority God GAVE His son for me to use. It's mine. Jesus is returning soon, so you need to get on the ball, read this book, walk in the authority God has given us, and go out and win some souls for the Lord.
J Redfearn 
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